Before recounting the story of Thomas Breakwell, it is helpful to think briefly about the concepts of “The Covenant and servitude” and “Preparedness for the next word.”

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s letter 26 March 1897 to Mirza Abu’l-Fadl.

Mirza Abu’l-Fadl wrote to ‘Abdu’l-Baha inquiring about the veracity of reports that ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s brothers and the majority of his family had arisen against him in rebellion. He received in response a lengthy tablet dated 26 March 1897. There is a provisional translation online. Although not an officially authorised translation it is very moving and informative. It illustrates what we learn in Ruhi book 8 – that they accused ‘Abdu’l-Baha of claiming a station of lordship for Himself. His reply shows that he only wanted the station of servitude.

Quotes from


Under all circumstances, I shall not barter away an atom of servitude for the oceans of divinity and lordship.


Another paragraph from the same tablet:

At all events, this servant will not exchange the prayer-mat of thraldom for the throne of lordship, nor will I barter servitude unto the threshold of the Blessed Beauty for sovereignty over all the worlds. Those who seek pretext should look for another excuse [to attack me], and should look for other false rumours in order to confuse the minds and perplex the thoughts of the wavering friends, for this [previous] arrow did not have any penetrative power, and the poison of that dagger did not harm the heart.


O my God! Raise me up to Thee, that this fire burning in my limbs and
loins may be extinguished and that this perpetual storm and dust cloud which reaches the heavens may be rendered calm and tranquil. It is only then that my spirit will be comforted and my heart will be quickened and my essence will be gladdened by Thy Bounty and Thy Loving Providence. For Thy loved ones I am a burden unto them and Thy servants suffer because of my existence. Shortcomings have encompassed me and I have failed to achieve that to which I had aspired in this Day of Resurrection. O my forgiving God!
Rescue me, rescue me! Free me, free me from these wastelands and save me from these grievous years! Thou art the Saviour of every contrite servant.


The Mystery of Sacrifice

The Martyrs Song

This song by Greg Parker, sung by the choir he directed, expresses the spirit of those whose great love for God and humanity was so strong that they would not barter it, even when offered a few more earthly years.

  • © Malini Parker. Music and lyrics by the late Greg Parker are included with permission:

Thomas Breakwell

Full story:

Short story (highlighted text in this document: