To discuss

“O Son of Being! My love is My stronghold; he that entereth therein is safe and secure, and he that turneth away shall surely stray and perish.”



Haji Muhammad and the ship

Haji Muhammad lived during the time of Baha’u’llah. Baha’u’llah revealed God’s teachings for today. Baha’u’llah was in prison in Akka

Haji Muhammad was honest in all his dealings as a businessman and was known for his trustworthiness. For a while his work brought him into Akka. One day he was sitting in his office when ‘Abdu’l-Baha entered, bringing an urgent message from Baha’u’llah. Haji Muhammad was to leave immediately for the city of Jeddah in Arabia.

Akka to Jeddah – 1000km

 He asked ‘Abdu’l-Baha whether he could have the bounty of attaining the presence of Baha’u’llah before departing. ‘Abdu’l-Baha explained that there was no time as the ship was due to leave at any moment. Haji Muhammad closed the office at once and headed straight for the port to board the ship. His desire to obey was so exemplary that he had no other thought but to follow the command of Baha’u’llah.

As soon as Haji Muhammad boarded, the ship set sail. Only then did he realize that, because of the great rush, he had not thought to ask ‘Abdu’l-Baha the purpose of his trip to Arabia. Now it was too late! Still, he was not concerned. He was certain that, once he arrived in Jeddah, God would guide his steps.

The sea that day was unusually stormy and the journey fraught with peril.

Everyone was worried that the ship was going to sink – everyone, that is, except Haji Muhammad. He knew that he would be protected and the ship would arrive safely in Jeddah, for he had been entrusted by Baha’u’llah with a mission to carry out in that city. And the ship did indeed arrive at its destination.

Jeddah 1880

After leaving the ship, Haji Muhammad heard two people talking in Persian among the crowds. Being Persian himself, he approached them and discovered that they, too, were Baha’is and were on their way to ‘Akka to visit Baha’u’llah. They had been unjustly imprisoned for their faith for ten years and had just been released. This was their first journey to the Holy Land, and they were in need of assistance.

Arriving in Akka by sea

It then became clear to Haji Muhammad that the purpose of his mission in Jeddah was to help these two souls to find their way to Akka and attain the presence of Baha’u’llah, a responsibility which he carried out with great care and attention.


  • Did Haji Muhammad obey Baha’u’llah quickly or slowly?
  • Did Haji Muhammad obey Baha’u’llah unhappily or joyfully?

To discuss

“The tongue of My power hath, from the heaven of My omnipotent glory, addressed to My creation these words: ‘Observe My commandments, for the love of My beauty.”


What does it mean to obey God’s commandments out of love?

Out of His infinite love, God has given us laws and teachings to live by. These laws and teaching are like lamps that illumine our path. Through their light, we are able to see how it is that God wants us to live. As we obey His commandments, we draw closer to Him; otherwise we find ourselves in darkness and we lose our way.

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s love for God was so strong that it was the cause of everything He did every day. What did he do?

  • He prayed every day, even when He was tired.
  • He never spoke badly about anyone, even if everyone else was gossiping.
  • He treated animals with kindness.
  • He worked hard.
  • He thought every day about what he could do to please God.
  • When somebody asked him how to be put into practice the teachings of God and acquire spiritual qualities, ‘Abdu’l-Baha lovingly replied “kam kam, ruz beh ruz” which means “little by little, day by day”.
  • He told us not to look at our weaknesses and faults, but instead turn towards God and reply on God’s mercy and assistance.



Imagine you are living in the mountains, in a small place that is far from the local market. One day your mother asks you to go to the market to buy some vegetables and return home straight away.

Soon after setting out you encounter a herd of sheep blocking the road. instead of waiting for them to move, you gently steer your way through the herd.

Next you come to a river, where you must get into a boat and row your way across. If you stop rowing even for a moment you will start to go downstream. Finally you make it to the other side of the river and continue your journey.

As you are walking you meet some friends who ask you to join in a game of football. At first you think about stopping to play, but then you remember your promise to your mother to buy the vegetables and come home without delay.

On your way home from the market you think about taking a different path, which is more beautiful with flowers to pick along the way. The other path is much shorter, but not as pretty. You decide to take the shorter path.

And soon you reach home with the vegetables that your mother asked for.

Another story

Haji Muhammad and the bird

You remember the story of Haji Muhammad from our last lesson, how obedient he was to Baha’u’llah and what strength he drew from trust in God. But Haji Muhammad was not always so quick to obey.

One day Bahá’u’lláh and some of His companions were riding through the countryside. They enjoyed being away from the town, and their horses galloped through the open fields and valleys.

When they were tired they stopped to rest by a stream and have a picnic. The trees spread their leafy boughs to shade them from the sun and tiny mountain flowers blossomed at their feet. At night, they would have wrapped themselves in blankets and slept beneath the stars, waking in the morning to the singing of the birds.

They were riding along, enjoying the peace and full of love and happiness. Suddenly, Haji Muhammad galloped up behind them. He was a hunter and had a gun in his hand.

“Don’t shoot these innocent birds!” said Bahá’u’lláh.

But Haji Muhammad took no notice and fired his gun at the birds as they flew overhead. He shot more than a hundred times, and could not understand why he kept missing.

Later, Haji Muhammad saw a large, long-legged crane standing in the grass nearby. He was sure that he could kill it. As the crane slowly flapped its wings and rose into the air, he aimed his gun and fired. He fired six times and every time he missed. The crane climbed high into the sky and safely flew away.

Haji Muhammad put away his gun, feeling very puzzled. He had always been such a good shot! He began to think about the whole incident. All of a sudden, he understood something very important. He realized that Baha’u’llah had given him a clear command, but in his preoccupation with his own wishes and desires, he had ignored Baha’u’llah. That day Haji Muhammad made a firm decision to obey the commandments of God at all times.

(From The Love of Bahá’u’lláh: Stories retold by Jacqueline Mehrabi), edited by Colin Dibdin using parts of the story in Ruhi book 2 grade 3 lessons.